If you are a nonprofit leader, this is for you.

Reinvigorate and supercharge your career.


Nonprofit leadership is hard.

As you know so well, even in the best of times, running a nonprofit is tough. In Appendix 1 of his book Managing Your Nonprofit for Resilience (Wiley 2023), Risk Alternatives CEO Ted Bilich notes at least 50 different ways in which nonprofits face unique business and personal pressures. From the need for constant fundraising, to outmoded technology, to staff stretched to their very limits and beyond, every day you face challenges.

And let’s face it, these past few years have not been the best of times. From pandemic to racial tensions to political divisions to climate change to emerging artificial intelligence and a host of other issues, the world is getting more complex and unpredictable every day.

You deserve support, but if you're like most nonprofits, you don't get enough.

The sad truth is that your nonprofit underspends on you.

Set aside your modesty for a moment and look at all you do:

  • Who accepts ultimate responsibility for your nonprofit’s success or failure?
  • Who manages your board?
  • Who is most responsible for articulating a compelling vision for your nonprofit through good times and bad?
  • Who comes in to close so many donations (even if you have a fundraising staff)?
  • Who sits up at night worrying about all the issues that need to get addressed – and then worries about what they don’t even know about yet?

Now consider how much money your nonprofit actually spends on your professional development and personal and professional growth. We're not talking about salary and benefits (although that's worth a whole other eye roll...). How much professional support do you get? If you are like most nonprofit leaders, your nonprofit chronically underspends on your growth and executive education.


Every nonprofit leader deserves someone on their side.

In other areas of life, people don’t hesitate to bring in supporting professionals to help hone their craft. From professional sports to business, coaches help individuals train themselves to perform better. The same should be true for you.

Investing in an executive coach for professional development is a potential game-changer for nonprofit leaders. A coach serves as your trusted partner, helping you identify blind spots, develop competencies, and refine your strategic approach. Through their guidance, you gain clarity, focus, and a deeper understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement. The one-on-one support and tailored strategies provided by a coach empower you to achieve breakthrough results and overcome challenges with greater ease.

The value of coaching far exceeds the cost.

The return on investment for executive coaching can be staggering, from improved leadership effectiveness, to enhanced communication skills, to greater abililty to inspire and motivate your team. In fact, studies show returns of up to 800% on resources invested in executive coaching.[1] While results vary, here are some potential ways in which engaging an executive coach can generate a healthy monetary return on investment:

  • Improved strategy and execution: A skilled coach can help refine and enhance your nonprofit strategy, identifying areas for improvement, and providing guidance on how to maximize impact and sustainability. By implementing strategic changes recommended by a coach, nonprofits can experience increased revenue opportunities and greater resilience in challenging times.
  • Enhanced productivity and efficiency: A coach can help you identify inefficiencies, streamline processes, and improve productivity within your nonprofit. By optimizing operations, reducing waste, and enhancing workflow, nonprofits can save costs and increase their bottom line.
  • Enhanced leadership and management skills: Developing strong leadership and management abilities can have a direct impact on your nonprofit's success. A coach can help hone these skills, enabling you to make better decisions, build effective teams, and improve employee engagement. This can lead to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and ultimately, improved financial performance and impact.
  • Business development and expansion: A coach can guide you through the process of expanding your offerings, entering new markets, or launching new products/services. By providing insights, networking opportunities, and strategic guidance, a coach can help you make informed decisions that lead to growth and increased revenues.
  • Improved financial management: Many nonprofits struggle with financial management and planning. A coach can provide guidance on financial strategies, budgeting, cash flow management, and pricing strategies. By improving financial control and decision-making, nonprofits can achieve better profitability and sustainability.

You can be coached by the best!

Our exclusive one-on-one coaching experience relies on the background and experience of Ted Bilich, CEO of Risk Alternatives. The author of Managing Your Nonprofit for Resilience (Wiley 2023), Ted has worked with hundreds of nonprofit leaders over a span of more than 30 years. He is a licensed Standards for Excellence® consultant who is deeply familiar with nonprofit best practices. He has also extensively researched personal and organizational resilience, reading hundreds of books at journal articles to find and distill the very best resources for people just like you.

Ted has been there, just like you. Coaching at a critical time in his life fundamentally guided him onto a new and much more fulfilling personal and professional trajectory. He is living proof that coaching can make all the difference. (Please ask him about his story: he can tell you just how important that coaching was!) 

Since beginning to work with you when I assumed the Executive Director role at OAR, Risk Alternatives has made a huge difference in our approach to managing potential risks, threats, and opportunities.

Elizabeth Jones Valderrama, Executive Director, Offender Aid and Restoration of Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church

Get an expert in your corner.

Think about having an expert on your side – someone who has worked with hundreds of nonprofit leaders and whose first priority is to make things better for you. Imagine having a thought partner beyond your board chair, your staff, or your spouse or partner – someone who has no interest but yours at stake. Picture having learning sessions designed to give you professional and personal growth and fulfillment.

That world can be yours by moving forward with this coaching experience. It really is that good.

Or imagine doing nothing.

If you’re flirting with burnout now, imagine how toasty you’d be in a year. Unless some bolt from the blue intercedes, you will face the same issues you do now, but you’ll be a year older and more tired.

Yes, the fact is, you have a stark choice.

Risk Alternatives went above and beyond, not only working with us to get us started with nonprofit risk management, but also explaining the risk process to our board to get additional buy-in. As a small nonprofit organization, that sort of support is a game-changer.

Joy Ruff, Executive Director, Local Government Academy

Take the first steps right now.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3, and all of the steps are free:



Download the free description of the course, available HERE.



Schedule a free 20-minute exploratory meeting with Ted Bilich, using the link you receive with the course description.



If you and Ted decide you want to move forward, fill out the brief application Ted can provide.


Our coaching costs far less than you’d expect.

If you decide to move forward with Ted, the price won’t break your nonprofit’s bank. According to widely available data, executive coaching tends to cost anywhere from $13,000 to $30,000 for a six-month engagement (that’s $26,000 to $60,000 on an annual basis).[2]

But right now, you can get a year of coaching and support for just $5000 – more than 80% less than the low end of that average. If you run a $2 million nonprofit, the investment is less than 0.25% of annual revenues.

You might ask why we are willing to do so much work for so little compensation. The answer? We believe that healthy, happy nonprofit leaders are essential change agents in our society. We devote our work to helping nonprofits and their leaders thrive.


Plus, satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you take this course and feel you haven’t gotten your money’s worth at any point along the way, we will refund the full value. It’s that simple.

So what are you waiting for?


[1] American University, The ROI of Executive Coaching (available at https://www.american.edu/provost/ogps/executive-education/executive-coaching/roi-of-executive-coaching.cfm); Center for Executive Coaching, The Simple, Easy Way to Justify the ROI of Executive Coaching Fees (available at https://centerforexecutivecoaching.com/simple-easy-way-justify-roi-executive-coaching/); Melanie Espeland, The ROI of Executive Coaching: A Comprehensive Guide (available at https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2023/02/24/the-roi-of-executive-coaching-a-comprehensive-guide/?sh=39d2987059e1).

[2] Emily Sander, How Much Does Executive Coaching Cost (2023)? (available at https://www.nextlevel.coach/blog/how-much-does-executive-coaching-cost#:~:text=According%20to%20SHRM%20magazine%2C%20coaches,on%20a%20number%20of%20factors.)